"Perfection is a road, not a destination. Every time I live, I get an education."
- Burk Hudson

I'm just a teacher in the New Media Department , the university where locate in the middle of the northeastern region of Thailand. This department offers bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees related to media technology, digital innovation, digital media, games, animation and media for human resource development.

The academic pillar of our department is digital communication

Computer Animation, Computer Game, Digital Media, Digital Content, Digital Film and Effect, Multimedia, Computer Graphics and Design, Information Visualization, AR VR MR and Metaverse, and related with media

Work experience

[1998] - [2002]

Computer Science Department, Project to establish the Faculty of Informatics, MSU.


[2002] - [now]

New Media Department, Faculty of Informatics, MSU


[since 2003] - [2021]

[admin] Vice Dean of Student Affair, Faculty of Informatics

[admin] Head of New Media Department, Faculty of Informatics

[admin] Assistant of President for Student Affair, MSU

[admin] Deputy Director of Computer Center, MSU

[admin] Vice Dean of Academic Affair, Faculty of Informatics


Doctor of Information Science Program in Information Teccnology (D.IS. IT), Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), THAILAND

[2014, Jun.] - [2020 Sep.]

Master of Science Program in Computer Science (M.Sc. CS.), Chulalongkorn University (CU), THAILAND

[1998] - [2001]

ฺBachelor of Science Program in Statistics (2nd Class Honors) (B.Sc. Stat.), Mahasarakham University (MSU), THAILAND

[1994] - [1997]

Benchama Maharat School (High School), Ubon Ratchathani, THAILAND

[-] - [1993]